Patti's Journal

Patti Sterling - Word Jazz and Observations - Keyboard Improvisation - Just Makin' It Up in the Middle Of The Night - After Closin' Time

My Photo
Location: Woodland Hills, California

I have been a professional singer/songwriter most of my life, recently added teaching to the mix

Sunday, November 21, 2004

The Embrace

You, who stand alone and apart from so many,
Still, with the fire burning in your belly
And this passion for Fairness
a true desire to give to someone
who may be yearning
to achieve,
You inspire me to trudge on ,
To find that higher Purpose
the Real Reason
For my existence at this point in Life,
I am thanking you for your example,
which of course,
is always the truest
measure of a Man

You have given me so much
Watching you embrace the day ,
rather than fight it
I know there must be Joy
somewhere in Duty
a sense of Delight
at the mundane,
A willingness to do the undesirable
and concentrate only on the completion,
Rather than the complaint
I see that extraordinary embrace,
And am Jealous

Friday, November 19, 2004


There as a small reception today,
Not too were many invited,
less actually showed,
It was important
because some real emotion
was exchanged,
and some hearts were touched,
in ways which were new
And fresh,
And we all recognize how scarce "fresh" is

You had to tune into the conversation
Not to miss the nuances,
Because much was said
beween the lines
and the guests were learning
to listen

Wednesday, November 10, 2004

No Two Ways

There were to be no Two ways about it
Sink or swim,
Up or Down ,
Top or bottom,

High or Low ,
Ruler or Prisoner
No In Between
There simply wasn't to be
anything in the middle
See, there was this Greatness factor
and how to Deal with It,
Make It work
or not
Once you've
been transformed,
The Middle ground will not do,
although the Practice in Humility,
Is Strengthening,
It is Humiliating ,
In the Highest Degree,
And brings you to a place of Longing
Which is guaranteed
to Break your Heart
And Deny yourself
and Others
the Joy
of your Song