Patti's Journal

Patti Sterling - Word Jazz and Observations - Keyboard Improvisation - Just Makin' It Up in the Middle Of The Night - After Closin' Time

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Location: Woodland Hills, California

I have been a professional singer/songwriter most of my life, recently added teaching to the mix

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

The Candle

There is a light flickering,
Just behind the crack in the doorway.
There is someone we know sitting there,
I know the scent of those Cuban cigars.
He wants you to come in, Sister, and talk with him.

If you are still intrigued
then go,
For you are already lost
to the spell he cast
longtime gone
He will offer you a cigar,
and much more
But what he will take is all you have left
Mark my words
Be strong
Blow out the candle


Like the shape shifter
you change
moving mecurial
Through the lives of others
who are so surprised
when their attention is captured
by that blur of a black cat
racing in front
of their next step
Nearly breaking the cat's bone
But not quite.
Not quite quick enough to catch the cat
racing down Hiway 61
To meet them at the Crossroads

Out of the Blue

You drop in
Out of the Blue,
an Ambush.
To this day
I can never
See you coming,
and you like it that way,
Just out of Sight, so the tripwire can be pulled
across the dusty road
less traveled,
Anytime you please
Yeah, you through me off,
more than ever this Time
Putting the blame squarely on my shoulders
Where it should have always rested,
No more Hope ,
that dreaded word, that shell game you played
with me for so long,
Here I am
You asked me "where" ?
Didn't you?
Like I said, I can never quite "see" you coming.
But, I'm not looking anymore.
