Patti's Journal

Patti Sterling - Word Jazz and Observations - Keyboard Improvisation - Just Makin' It Up in the Middle Of The Night - After Closin' Time

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Location: Woodland Hills, California

I have been a professional singer/songwriter most of my life, recently added teaching to the mix

Saturday, December 25, 2004


Always quietly Romantic,
You set the scene for whatever is
in Our way at the time
Don't think these Actions unappreciated,
for I consider Them
I watch carefully,
although when I am Spinning
as I usually Am,
I sometimes see Them
out of the corner
of my eye
as I Whirl through Space
Trying to make Amends
lost Time and Fortune

I will try Diving
next ,
Go Deeper than Before
and come up for Air
when It is finished
As the Master said
I will serve you
some of the Joy
you have brought to me
And pray it is enough
to bring us home
Where we want
to Be

The Impression

You were prickly at first, like an old Texas catus
and very concerned about the proper social distances
You made me realize how aggressive I'd become over the years
Funny, no one else had ever complained
But you were full of yourself and I?
I was too desperate too give it much thought until now
and as I look back, perhaps I would have been less threatening
if I had the good looks I was blessed with
twenty-some odd years ago

You are forgiven much when you are easy on the eyes
and not that the picture was offensive now,
just a little threadbare.
So, I disappeared into the background
where I
could put it it all into perspective
that is,
See it how you did,
and made some of the proper adjustments
so you could see it all for what it was worth.

It was quite a dance
a real Texas two-step
Allemande Left,
as it were.
I enjoyed the music
most of the time,
although a few of the calls
confused me
some of the time,
I managed to keep up - and then
began to set the pace
Oddly enough,
that thing called Talent
entered into It
caught you of guard,
and the balance of power changed
ever so slightly,
and not a moment too soon for me,
for I wanted to enjoy the dance,
however mixed -up it made me,
And I didn't want to get caught up
In judgement calls
I'd had enough trouble with them already
if you know what I mean

So we continued the turns
and the steps became a little easier,
but the work was hard going
mostly, because of Time constraints.
We got alot done
in Spite of our Father
What a first class Bitch
He has turned out to be
Always imposing His will on Others.
You seemed to enjoy the dance too
And you seemed surprised
that it could be so,
So socially unconventional
as it were,
I laughed to myself at the irony
of having a thought worth Thinking
in my head,
For there were many along the way who were convinced
that would not be so,
Pretty Women are hookers,
and Roy Orbison only sings to them,
for he is nearly blind
Behind those shades he wears
And cannot see that they are without brains
Instead he sings to them,
lauding their special talents.

The dance was nearly finished
drawing to a close,
And I was anxious to make a charming Exit
without stumbling over my feet
Anymore than I already had.
You wanted to linger, and did
just long enough
to make me uncomfortable again
So quickly,
as it had happened to me so many times before,
I smiled - dazzeling,
and disappeared around the corner,
Delighted at having mastered the steps
long enough
to make an Impression

Monday, December 06, 2004


I have worked in the Darkroom most of my life
holding up the pictures
to see how closely they matched my vision
of what was acceptable
in Thy sight,
But it was never true confidence
which moved me, rather this deep
that I might be as good as I promised,
maybe better than what was whispered
in some circles,
and I was Determined
to achieve this Vision
at all costs,
and when the Work was turned in,
It seemed a little late,
slightly overdue.

And so the Wait ensued,
until the Timing of the Universe
could be realigned,
The Moon being in the Seventh House,
seemed to carry a certain weight,
which needed a pendulum
strong enough to balance
the beauty and the imperfection
of my Deeds.
We waited for a long time
Beginning to Doubt
if our offering
would be Acceptable
after all.

Only Faith in the Unseen
kept us moving
And then,
a call came
from a strange Land
saying Fear not,
we have heard the Song
and it is Good
We will carry it to the place
where Air and Sound
turn into Waves,
and reaches the ears
of anyone
who still Listens
on that beach.

They talked of a clear Channel
and I thought about the work ahead
so I too,
might again
be a clear channel,
Moving in your Mind,
to be Breathing,
Victorious in the Demonstration
of your Love.